I share a few more of this year's real life successes to help lawyers visualize their own definition of success for 2011 and how they can get there. (As always, I've used fictional names for privacy purposes.)
Charles' solo practice grew steadily this first year after he left the firm. By providing excellent legal advice and services and expanding his contacts, he continues to get more referrals, to be hired by other firms for specialty work, and to get repeat business from happy, satisfied clients.
Tamra's niche work continues to increase as she finds ways to let people know what she focuses on and of her accumulating successes. Despite the economy, she had record setting months financially this fall after many years of practice.
By achieving a very challenging personal goal this year, Ally realized that with the right plan she can also take on significant professional challenges that she never would have tried before. And just as she formed new habits to achieve her personal goal, she is creating new habits that help her more efficiently manage her case load.
Matthew created procedures to streamline his work and have more control over it. He focused on building his own practice and set boundaries for when and what he would do to service his partners' work. He raised his visibility and increased his credibility. As a result he took a worry free vacation and brought in more new business and more revenue than ever before after many years in his firm.
Samantha overcame a paralyzing fear of public speaking this year. She now even almost looks forward to her next presentation. Her tremendous growth in this area spills over to her professional presence and confidence within her firm as well. Her value as a partner is being acknowledged more than ever.
Hannah interviewed and was hired for her dream job this year. She overcame an unexpected rough start by focusing on what was most important. Now, thanks to her intelligence, humor, common sense and work ethic, her star is rising at a record setting pace.
If you would like to make changes in 2011 and reach your own definition of success, please contact me.