It's almost the close of business on the first business day of the new year and the new decade. My question for you is: Have you entered your time yet or are you behind already?
If you find yourself behind or you know you will be soon, instead of the same old same old, choose to start the year by learning to use and/or actually using time tracking software.
By making this choice, you will say yes to capturing and billing more of your time. You won't be as likely to lose track of how long you worked on something or what you did. You will have more accurate descriptions of the legal services you provided. You will use time productively instead of struggling days later to enter it or write it coherently for your secretary to submit into the system.
As with most decisions to make a change, you will also have to say no to some things in order to make the change. Consider what you will have to say no to in order to start using the time tracking software. Think about what obstacles are likely to stop you from making this change. Decide whether you can say no to those things.
Last, figure out who and what can help you get started and help you stick with this commitment to change.
The time tracking software is pretty user friendly now. Besides helping you bill more effectively, and thus make more money, it will actually save you time and frustration. Don't those sound like good reasons to make this change this year, right now?