"Get to know other lawyers in the 'bar' and build relationships throughout your career." U.S. District Court Judge Stephen J. Murphy III brought the Coach's Corner Bar concept to life this week at the Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association's inaugural "Drink 'n' Learn". Accompanied by good friends from the U.S. Attorney's Office and his law clerk, Judge Murphy shared insights and stories at a Detroit watering hole, including help he has received from other lawyers throughout his career, even as a Federal judge. Click on the photo to see more pictures from the first Drink 'n' Learn.
Mark your calendar for the second and third Drink 'n' Learns on April 21 and May 19. Stay tuned for details.
Similarly, on March 22 the Detroit Metro Bar Association presents a lively after hours "Debate on Appellate Advocacy" by Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Elizabeth Gleicher and her appellate lawyer husband Mark Granzatto. Think Tracy and Hepburn, Carville and Matalin. Educational and social, regardless of whether you are an appellate lawyer.
Last, yes, as president-elect of the DMBA I am promoting our events here on Coach's Corner Bar. The DMBA --Raising the Bar Through Networking, Practice Development and Community Service. http://www.detroitlawyer.org/
For those of you not here in metro Detroit, check out your own local bar associations. Meet some people, develop relationships, get referrals, enhance your skills, seek advice, know your judges, help your community.